vineri, 3 aprilie 2009
Actiuni cultural-artistice
- Iona, Marin Sorescu- Club CFR
- Chirita si ceilalti- Teatrul National
- Nota 0 la purtare- Teatrul National
- Morometii
- Romeo si Julieta
- Baltagul
- Visul unei nopti de vara etc...
- Tudor Gheorghe- Casa de Cultura a Studentilor
- Artistii internationali Boney 'M, Dj. BOBO, Basshunter, Steve Edwards, Snap!- Esplanada Palatului Culturii
- Fuego- Casa de Cultura a Studentilor etc.
Interviu (actrita favorita)
What attracted you to “The Girl Next Door?”
Everything. The idea that I could come to work and have 18 wardrobe changes. It’s different from “24” where you wear the same thing all the time. And working really hard at becoming a different character. I’m used to being someone else 10 months out of the year. This movie was really something different for me, and just to help kick off a film career.
Why did you pick this role as the one to break out in?
Just from reading it. I felt something for it. I thought it was wonderful.I thought I would be able to bring something to the script and that was it.
What was your first reaction when you read the script and saw you’d be playing a porn star?
And then?
And why?
Because it was right. It was right for the time; it was right for what was happening in my life. I was doing “24” and loved that character and felt like that character for a very long time and wanted to do something a little more hands on as opposed to “Old School” and “Love Actually,” which were very important to me and my career, but this is a little different. It was like really nerve-wracking because I wasn’t sure at the end of the day if I’d be able to pull it off. But I worked so hard and that was appealing to me.
Why do teen romantic comedy movies like this appeal to audiences?
You know, I don’t know. I think this is more of a coming-of-age film. It’s a little deeper than your typical teen comedy, or whatever you want to call it. It has a lot more to do with life and experiences and relationships. The one thing I understand about this film is that there’s something to be related to it. I remember my memories in high school. I remember what it was like to have two close friends growing up and falling in love and breaking up and all these horrible things that happen – and all these wonderful things that happen. This movie touches on all those things.
Now that you’re finished with the movie and you look back on the days spent on the set, what immediately springs to mind?
The director and I. I look back now and we were very much at the same point in our careers. I think Luke [Greenfield] wanted to make this film because it felt like his baby. I wanted to make this movie because it was my baby and I wanted it to be something I’d be proud. It was different, and I hope people see that.
Do you see why people compare it to “Risky Business?”
Oh yeah. I think it has some sort of appeal that can relate back to those movies, movies that I loved growing up watching. That’s definitely what we wanted to have from this movie.
Curriculum vitae
Nume: Rotaru
Prenume: Diana
Data nasterii: 29 ian 1990
Locul nasterii: Miroslava/Iasi
Stare civila: necasatorita
Nationalitate: romana
Domiciliul stabil: Iasi
Studii: Scoala Normala "Vasile Lupu", Iasi 2001-2009; Scoala Generala nr.7, Erbiceni 1997-2001
Competenţe şi aptitudini organizatorice: spirit organizatoric ridicat
Competenţe şi aptitudini de utilizare a calculatorului: FB
Competenţe şi aptitudini artistice: talent deosebit desen si muzica
Alte competenţe şi aptitudini: comunicativa si sociabila
Limbi straine: Engleza- scris-FB/ citit-FB/ vorbit-FB; Franceza-scris-B/ citit-FB/ vorbit-B
Ciorile, alungate din dealul Copoului
Ciorile din Iasi nu mai au liniste. Mai ales cele din bulevardul Copou, care si-au gasit culcus in copacii de pe marginea drumului. Astfel, inofensivele pasari vor fi nevoite sa caute alti copaci, deoarece o mana de locatari din zona le-a pus gand rau. Acestia se plang de zgomot si de faptul ca aceste fiinte, cu o speranta de viata de cateva sute de ani, murdaresc strazile din jur. Mai in gluma, mai in serios, municipalitatea vrea sa impace si ciorile si reclamantii. In aceste conditii, zburatoarele nu vor fi agresate fizic sau lichidate, ci vor fi luate cu binisorul. Spre satisfactia carcotasilor care au trimis zeci de reclamatii catre primarie, edilii s-au gandit sa determine ciorile din copacii suprapopulati sa caute si alte culcusuri. "Vom incerca sa le determinam sa-si faca cuibul in alta parte. Acestea si-au facut cuiburi in zona strazii Vasile Pogor pana spre Gradina Copou. Vom analiza acele zone unde intr-adevar se creeaza deranj. Vom taia din crengi pentru a mai scapa de cuiburi. Dar asta nu inseamna ca vom exagera cu aceasta chestiune. Directia de Servicii Publice Municipale se va ocupa pe parcursul acestei luni. Ciorile fac parte din ecosistem, nu ne apucam de starpit. In zona Spitalului Militar si in zona Gradinii Copou sunt cele mai multe discutii", a subliniat Mihai Chirica, directorul tehnic al primariei, convins de faptul ca unele ciori au asistat la sute de evenimente petrecute de-a lungul timpului.